Technologies of Sierra Productiva

The implementation of technologies is one of the pillars of our proposal, since they allow rural families to efficiently manage their productive units.

Managing water sources through technified irrigation; improving the quality and increasing the volumes of crop production and animal husbandry; and transforming the raw material into products with added value.


Ladder of Progress

Our technologies are implemented considering an order of prioritization that allows a systemic and integral development of the family property.


    Knowing Our Technologies


    To have shrubs on the borders of our cultivation plots (orchards, 8 mini plots and pastures), to be windbreaks, to protect crops from frost and create micro climates for better production.

    Likewise, agroforestry to protect springs with native species that help capture water to the subsoil, so that springs have greater water production.

    Finally, agroforestry and afforestation to protect slopes and improve soil quality and harvest rainwater.

    Safe water for human consumption with nanofilter

    High-tech and highly efficient solution that allows us to guarantee pure water, drinking water.

    It is a nano water purifier. "Nano" means that it is very small.

    If we have a source of cloudy water with little contamination, by filtering it with the Sawyer nano purifier, the water becomes pure water.

    With this device, all families will be able to have drinking water, thus eliminating the germs that cause acute stomach illnesses and diarrhea that eliminate micro-nutrients that are the cause of anemia and malnutrition.

    Safe water for huma consumption with SODIS

    The SODIS system is a manual technique to purify the water that families consume in rural areas, since they do not have potable water.

    Children, when consuming piped and raw water, acquire germs that cause different stomach diseases and consequently malnutrition and anemia.

    Two-liter clear glass bottles are filled with water. One bottle for each member of the family. It is exposed to the sun for a full day. The sun is responsible for purifying the water by eliminating germs, even fecal coliforms. Parents and children of a family can consume safe water.

    Dry Toilet

    The bathroom rate is special. It separates liquids from solids and rotting no longer occurs. There are no bad odors or an infectious focus. The solid falls into a box where there is sand and sifted earth, when it joins with said earth it dries up. Every 6 months we empty the contents of the box into a hole on the side of the farm and cover it with leaves and straw and a year later we have organic fertilizer to nourish the soil. The liquid goes to a container where the uric acid evaporates and the urea remains, which we put in disposable plastic bottles.

    With the dry toilet we decontaminate the fields surrounding the house and decontaminate the waters of streams and rivers.

    Biodigester to produce biogas

    It is composed of the biodigester, which is a geomembrane sleeve where diluted manure is stored. It is covered with a greenhouse to increase the temperature. The manure is fermented and produces biogas that is captured in the gasometer, which is a tank similar to a gas cylinder.

    We can cook with gas without having to buy it from the store. In addition to gas, we obtain biol, used as a biocide to combat vermin and pests that attack crops. Likewise, we can use it as organic fertilizer to improve plant nutrition and thus increase crop production.

    Rum Pump

    Replaces the electric water pump. We can pump water from a low area to reservoirs located in high areas, in order to store water and carry out modernized irrigation later.

    The Yachachiq build the pump manually, and in a process of adaptation they created different models, some more efficient than others. But in general it helps the development of the creativity of the peasants.

    Using a ram pump does not require electrical power. We can access this service anywhere even where there is no electricity service. Likewise, it allows economic savings.

    Improved kitchen with oven and hot water

    To avoid inhalation of smoke that is the cause of diseases to the bronchi and lungs. The ideal is a kitchen with four purposes.

    1. Improves combustion and prevents smoke inside the kitchen.
    2. Heats water in a tank that is installed next to the stove and that hot water goes up to a drum and from there goes down to the laundry room with which there is hot water to wash utensils, vegetables, etc.
    3. Oven to make potato bread, kekes and panettones taking advantage of the heat of the kitchen.
    4. It is ensured that the fireplace is not vertical, and that it can run along the wall the entire length of the kitchen, to transmit the heating.

    Solar Stove

    The use of renewable energy is important. With this technology we want to take advantage of the sun's energy to cook.

    Solar stoves are built manually by the Yachachiq using simple and cheap materials. Initially, they built different models, some more efficient than others, and finally the parabolic and oven-type cookers were validated.

    The sun reflects off the shiny brass or aluminum foil and bounces off the center of the kitchen giving off strong heat.

    This technology is an option to the use of firewood and dung, preventing the food from burning. Likewise, it does not emit smoke, avoiding respiratory diseases.

    Technified breeding of guinea pigs

    When we had only natural grass we could raise few guinea pigs that basically fed on kitchen waste. With the associated pastures we can raise guinea pigs in sheds and achieve higher production.

    Our families can eat guinea pig meat twice a week improving the nutritional quality with meat proteins.

    The guinea pig is also a good source of income. We can do weekly sales or twice a month.

    To raise guinea pigs in greater quantity we can increase the feed by making hydroponic green forage.

    Technified breeding of laying hens

    The main objective is the production of eggs. For this reason, the hen house and its laying hens must have a suitable construction. Likewise, adequate nutrition and health must be guaranteed to allow the hens to lay eggs throughout the year.

    Each hen produces 250 eggs a year. With two laying hens our families can consume 10 eggs per week for 52 weeks of the year.

    We improve our nutritional quality with proteins and fats that the egg contains.

    Breeding Carpa Fish

    The demonstrative experimentation was carried out by taking fingerlings from the Echarati jungle to Andean areas. At the beginning, a warm environment was adapted by building a greenhouse "Acuitoldo" over the pools of water.

    Later, the Yachachiq removed the carp fish from the “aquitoldo” and transferred it to pools without a greenhouse where the carp fish has adapted very well to cold waters.

    This fish is vegetarian, it eats algae, cattails, vegetables, grains and manure.

    It is a great alternative for each family to consume fish meat protein one or two days a week.

    We are doing demonstration experiments to reproduce carp fish in Andean areas so that we no longer bring fingerlings from the jungle.

    Ecobaño - Ecological drain system

    It is a family drain system. It consists of a biodigester tank that receives all drainage waters. The solids are dehydrated and removed twice a year to be used as compost for forest plants. The already purified liquids go to a secondary field where a second purification is carried out. Finally, crystalline water is collected that is reused for forest irrigation.

    This technology eliminates traditional drainage and oxidation pools. It allows to decontaminate rivers, lagoons, and the subsoil. In turn, it eliminates factors that cause stomach diseases that cause malnutrition and anemia, thus improving the quality of life.

    Likewise, it allows the bathroom to be inside the house and thus the members of a family do not leave the house, especially in winter.

    Preparation of organic fertilizers

    Compost is made, combining animal manure with vegetables. Compost is used during the sowing of crops.

    Biol, which is a foliar fertilizer by fermentation of manure, milk and other inputs, is applied to the plants already during their growth.

    Worm humus is also produced, made from animal manure.

    Natural biosides are also made with plants, herbs and natural substances, to combat bugs and pests.

    Improved Barn

    Having sprinkler irrigation and associated pastures, we ensure a good diet for the cattle.

    It is necessary to have improved livestock for a greater production of milk and meat, and thus improve the family food diet, and consequently the economic income through the sale of dairy products with added value.

    The improved stable allows a semi-stable management of the cattle that will no longer move to the fields to graze as before, and will stay longer eating inside the stable.

    The women and children will no longer go to the fields to take care of the animals, and will be able to use that time for study or other activities.

    Hydroponic green fodder

    Peasant families that do not have large areas to cultivate associated pastures can produce other types of food in small spaces.

    It consists of the germination process of barley in trays as required, said trays are covered with black plastic since it is required to avoid contact with light. To obtain the final product, a systematic daily watering must be carried out.

    This technique makes it possible to produce a food with greater nutritional properties than the associated grass, since the animals consume grain and grass at the same time, similar to the germinated products that we consume.

    Open field orchard

    A 100 m2 plot is prepared. The “beds” are built one meter wide, and long according to the available area. Likewise, 50 cm wide passageways must be built to move around.

    We grow 16 varieties of vegetables, using staggered planting techniques and crop rotation, so that families can consume vegetables 52 weeks a year.

    We increase food volumes, we increase diversity, we improve nutritional quality by adding vitamins, minerals, micronutrients and fiber.

    We consume part of the production and the surplus is sold in the market as fresh vegetables or they become inputs to make jams, pickles, nectar, juices, kekes, tortillas and panettones.

    Greenhouse Orchard

    A 100m2 plot is covered with a greenhouse whose walls are made of adobe to create a special microclimate where vegetables and fruits from tropical climates can be grown. Tomato, cucumber, pepper, zucchini, pumpkin, callhua, green beans, ají panca, paprika pepper, yucca, sweet potato. Also fruits such as strawberry, strawberry, awaymanto, melon, watermelon.

    Food volumes are increased, as well as increasing the diversity of foods in the family diet, thus improving nutritional quality.

    A part consumes the family and the surplus is sold as raw material, and products with added value such as pickles, nectar, juices, kekes, panettones, jams.

    Solar powered light

    As is known, most of the peasant communities far from the district capitals do not have electricity.

    Many children who study in schools during the morning, must help with agricultural activities during the afternoons, and do their homework in the late afternoon and even at night, so it is essential to have lighting.

    An ecological alternative to have access to lighting and energy to recharge cell phones important for communication is the use of solar panels. Families charge family batteries through solar panels during the day, use this energy in different activities, and most of all it is useful to them at night.

    Eight mini plots for andean grains and tubers

    Each mini-plot must have an area of 100 or 120 m2, to harvest only 52 kilos for each of the 8 crops and that each family can consume a kilo of a different product per day. For example, Monday quinoa, Tuesday tarwi, Wednesday beans, and so on.

    Our farm becomes our super market. That daily kilo of Andean grain or tuber may be accompanied by a fresh salad, a glass of yogurt, a piece of cheese, 10 eggs a week, guinea pig meat twice a week.

    Peasant families will become the best fed in Peru and will protect themselves against expensive food that is rising and rising in price steadily.

    Plot of associated cultivated pastures

    A plot of 500 m2 is prepared. The technique consists of associating two energy-giving grasses (rye grass and dactyles) and two protein-giving legumes (alfalfa and clover) during planting.

    Natural grass grows 5 centimeters and supports one cut per year. The associated cultivated grass grows one meter and supports 5 cuts a year. In Andean areas where the frosts are very strong, the associated grass supports 2 cuts of one meter and 3 cuts of lower height.

    You have green grass all year round and production volumes increase. With the abundance of grass compared to natural grass, various types of minor and major animal breeding can be maintained.

    Ecological Refrigerator

    Farm families have a handcrafted refrigerator to keep food fresh.

    To maintain the cold temperature, a container with cold water located in the lower part of the refrigerator is used, it is changed daily.

    Having this refrigerator allows families to organize their kitchens, have clean food since it is out of the reach of flies, and thus avoid stomach illnesses. Likewise, this technology allows them to save money, since electricity is not required to keep food fresh.

    Sprinkler Irrigation

    The irrigation culture of the Andean man depended on rain for only 3 or 4 months a year. We only had milk in those months, and we could only fatten cattle per year.

    Technified irrigation is the driving technology of change. With rustic reservoirs and sprinkler irrigation; we can have associated pastures cultivated; produce more milk; carry out several fattening of cattle; raising guinea pigs and chickens; and grow up to 13 varieties of vegetables.

    We collect water from springs, ditches, or channels to store it in rustic reservoirs. We carry the water in pipes to the head of the farm. This produces a change in the irrigation culture. We no longer depend on rain to irrigate, as we have artificial rain.

    Drip Irrigation

    It is another type of technical irrigation that allows us to save more water compared to sprinkler irrigation, since the plants receive only the necessary amount.

    Peasant families use it mainly as an irrigation technique inside greenhouses for the production of vegetables and fruits.

    Currently, drip irrigation hoses are already installed in open field orchards, as they are more efficient than sprinkler irrigation. It allows us to save time, families no longer invest time in moving the water outlet points from one place to another, since in these they are already fixed in the hoses considering the location of each plant.

    SUTRANE - Unique sewage treatment system

    It is an ecological system for the treatment of sewage water similar to the “Ecobaño” but this system has a communal capacity.

    The installation of two drainage pipes that separate the black water from the gray water is carried out. The sewage reaches a built tank whose size depends on the number of families in the community, it is covered with a kind of greenhouse. Internally it has a liquid and solid separation system, the same ones that go through a purification process. The gray waters are directed to another tank to be treated. In the end everything goes to a secondary field where it receives another purification process and we obtain clean water reused in the irrigation of forest plants.

    Solar thermal

    The main objective is to improve the quality of life of families through personal hygiene and housing.

    We have hot water 24 hours a day to wash and bathe. Likewise, hot water allows peasant families to properly clean their homes and other activities, especially for families living in very cold Andean areas.

    Peasant families are no longer prone to acquiring acute respiratory diseases from continuous contact with cold water.

    Processing of food products

    When we sell our agricultural products only as raw material, we do not receive profit or it is minimal. Therefore, we need to give added value to our products that will be sold at a higher price.

    All families learn to transform products. This ability will allow them to improve their diet through the diversification of foods such as cheese, yogurt, white delicacy, panettones, kekes, jams, nectars, boneless meat, etc. In addition, it will help them achieve better economic income through the sale of these products.

    Performing the transformation of products also helps the development of the creativity of each person who performs this activity.

    Peasant family house

    Currently, peasant families build their homes by separating the kitchen areas, bedrooms, etc. in independent constructions. This form of construction generates discomfort in the rainy season, and they are not suitable for keeping heat inside, especially in Andean areas where it is very cold, where families are exposed to suffering from acute respiratory diseases.

    Our peasant house is built keeping all the necessary services inside the house. The house is built considering techniques of insulation from humidity and retention of heat during the nights. Its main objective is to improve the quality of life of peasant families.


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