Instituto para Una Alternativa Agraria - I.A.A.

We are a non-profit civil association, and we seek to achieve the sustainable development of rural families in Peru; improving the development of their knowledge and skills, taking advantage of their resources and potential; to ensure your family food security, and generate economic income.


Our Mission

Facilitate capacity development processes in rural areas with strong presence of the peasantry and some urban areas, so that they are protagonists of the generation of wealth and the construction of citizenship in the society as a whole of their area and of the country. The IAA works in partnership with social organizations in the rural and urban sectors, participating, promoting and strengthening their networks, with local, regional, national government, entities International and private companies.


Our Vision

Peasant families, rural people and their leaders, manage to open a process of democratization of the economy that allows in turn processes of social, cultural and political inclusion, of a qualitatively superior character, as a result of the organization and networking, that is to say of the regional nodes and the laboratory node (Cusco).

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    Intervention Strategy

    Facilitation of Social Change Processes

    Train peasant families, rural people and their leaders, and facilitate advocacy processes towards government and state officials and officials, managers and business and cooperation officials, so that a change in the investment pattern towards the development of capacities and implementation of technologies that promote the access to the market of millions of families of small peasant production.

  • Through:

    • Participatory diagnosis.
    • Joint elaboration of the proposal.
    • Demonstrative experiences for the validation of complementary components to the proposal.
    • Continue with the re-application of the proposal for validation at the national level (andean, coast and jungle regions).
    • Generalization of the proposal through processes of impact on government policies, on corporate social responsibility policies and cooperation policies.
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    Actors with whom we Work

    Main Actors

    The strategic alliance FDCC - IAA will continue working with peasant community families and their organizations (peasant federations and producer organizations), yachachiq, rural youth, rural leaders, students and rural teachers. A process is being initiated to incorporate families from marginal urban areas and their organizations, especially resident associations.

  • Other Actors

    • National and foreign universities (professors and students).
    • Educational institutions of initial, primary school, high school and higher levels not university.
    • NGOs that work in rural development and their headquarters (local, regional, national and international).
    • Local and regional governments, national government.
    • Ombudsman.
    • Patronage.
    • Private companies, business associations and economic groups.
    • Philanthropic people and organizations.
    • Bank entities.
    • UNICEF.
    • FAO.

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